Why do cats pee on things?

Cats prefer to pass their waste where they feel safe and then bury it. They should be able to access their toileting site without having to pass other cats or things that make them anxious – such as a noisy washing machine. It is a good idea to provide one litter tray per cat, plus one extra – especially if
your cats are kept indoors. Don’t place all the trays in a line. If possible, place them in different quiet, private areas of the home, away from the food and water bowls.Being clean creatures, cats don’t like using dirty or soiled trays, so make sure the litter tray is cleaned at least once a day. If using clumping litter you can remove solids once or twice daily.
With some other types of litter, you may need to replace all the litter on a daily basis.
Trays should be cleaned once a week by rinsing with water and then using a cat safe disinfectant. You should be able to purchase a suitable product from your vet or a pet shop – please note that phenol based disinfectants are toxic to cats.
Always rinse carefully with hot water, dry and replenish litter. Rinsing the disinfectant off ensures safety, as well as removing the smell which some cats don’t like. Cats prefer at least 3cm depth of litter and most prefer a litter of a sandy texture. Make any changes to the tray, the litter, or its location, very slowly to avoid toileting accidents.If encouraging your cat to toilet outside, provide a suitable
area close to the house where your cat feels safe. For more information, see Cats Protection’s
Essential Guide: Indoor and outdoor cats and for litter training, see Cats Protection’s Essential Guide: Understanding your cat’s behaviour.
